Friday, March 18, 2011

Sprinkles of Sunshine

This morning, my baby sister had a baby girl!

Lila Grace entered the world , adding to the love & chaos that is life in a big, blended, crazy extended family. I can't wait to meet her when I go home to visit this summer.

Just knowing she was due any day sparked a keen interest in making lots of cute, cuddly baby things for her! So out came the scraps of yarn I had saved over the years so that I could try all sorts of color combos & patterns.

I know her room has been decorated in lots of pinks, and usually I try to coordinate my baby offerings to blend right in. This time, I thought I would go with some soft lilacs, maybe some whites. Instead, after 3 days of playing around, I ended up with something I really love!

Tomorrow I am heading to the store to pick up the supplies to knit up a new blanket & love offering for Lila in a cheerful yellow & white combo! It such a happy project & I am looking forward to getting busy with those needles & creating this special gift for her. After this long winter, it feels/looks just like a burst of gentle spring sunshine.

I guess sometimes you really don't know what you want to do or what the right fit will be until you try out a whole bunch of "also rans". I think with this one, I got it right :)

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful post. :)

    Just wanted to let you know, that I've just relisted some eyes for the owl cup cozie! (pattern: - just follow the link in the pattern, it should lead you to the eyes!
